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Why Most New Year's Resolutions Fail!

Rachel Bloomfield

Did you know that on average 80% of people's New Year's Resolutions fail?!?

Why do you think that is???

Here's a few possible reasons, see if any of these resonate...

  • You try to make too many changes all at once! Whilst this is commendable to want to make big changes, it can feel overwhelming and like it's just too big a mountain to climb and therefore you become frozen to even begin taking the steps!

  • You have big dreams but you lack the confidence to fully commit to them, deep down you don't believe you are capable of achieving them. There's a well-known saying - "believe you will or believe you won't, either way you'll be right!" If you don't truly believe in the possibility of the goals you set then you won't be able to take the action you need in order to achieve them.

  • You pick resolutions you feel you 'should' do rather than things you actually want to do, therefore taking making the required changes and taking action is associated with stress and negativity.

  • You don't think about your why behind the resolutions that you set. Most of us pick a couple of arbitrary resolutions like drop a dress size, don't drink in January, go to the gym three times a week, etc... Now whilst these may be healthy targets, have you stopped to think why? What would it mean to you to drop a dress size? Why is it important for you to make this change now?

  • You focus too much on what you want to have or achieve and not enough on how you want to feel. If we don't attach emotional pulls to our goals then, to put it bluntly, we may as well not bother! Because when things gets tough, if we don't have that emotional anchor to feel into, we'll simply give up! What's more, lots of goals of things we want to have or achieve are often quite far off in the future so it can be hard to stick with the process of heading towards them but if we have goals around how we want to FEEL in our daily life then that is something we can start to change right now!

So instead of setting random resolutions that you invariably won't stick to, why not do something different this January instead?

Please allow me to introduce you to Firework - my four week online group coaching programme to help you light the fire and do the work to start 2023 with a bang!!

I truly believe that now is the time to start finding more joy in every area of our lives! It's time to take a full life audit and figure out what we want more of, what we want to let go of and what needs to change! That way, we can set goals for 2023 and beyond that fully align to the person we want to be and the life we want to live! How about taking some time to journal about what your perfect day would look like for you? That way you can start to see clearly where in your current life is the furthest from this ideal and therefore giving you clues as to what you need to focus on first!

This January, forget the dull resolutions (let's face it, even the word 'resolutions' is dull!!) and do something different! Start 2023 with a bang that doesn't fizzle out!!!

If you want to know more about Firework - my four-week online group coaching programme then click here to read all about it or email me at

I have a ridiculously good early bird offer on right now where you can get the whole course for just £77 (full price £111) PLUS get a free 1:1 coaching session with me (worth £200) if you sign up before 31st December 2022.



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